Apr 30, 2010

Friday, April 30, 2010 Workout & Food

What I did to wokrout today:
Jettie and I went for a 3.5 mile walk. It was muggy but the breeze was nice and it smelled like summer : ) One thing that I like more about walking than I do about running is that you can hold great conversations with great people : ).

What I ate today:

Eggs- 60
Ham- 50
Toast- 90

I met a friend at BW3 so I had to make some hard choices!
Chicken- 175
Potatoe- 140
Beer- 200 (such a treat and so delicious!!!)

Salmon- 300
Quinoa, Black Bean, Corn, Red Pepper, etc. salad- 200

Chocolate cool whip dips- this stuff is awesome and only 25 calories!!

TOTAL: 1240

Apr 29, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010 Workout #2

Even though I went to boot camp this morning for my butt kickin', I had already planned to run with my friend Mel since we haven't been able to run together this week. We ran 1.65 miles but we did it at somewhere between 10:25-10:46 pace which is faster than our normal 11:00-11:15 pace.
The weather was perfect and it was a good run but, by the end of it, my legs were tired. Not painful like sometimes, just tired. I'm glad we put a run in but it makes me feel like I need to do a long one on Saturday.
I think I'll just do a 40minute walk tomorrow around Reeds Lake or something to give my running legs a rest since today was so intense. We'll see!

Thursday, April 29, 2010 Workout #1

Todays boot camp workout was called a Tabula Rosa, or Hurricane.......this is one one of the hardest workouts we do all year at bootcamp, but also one of the most effective.

The way it works is that you get four sets of exercises...you do each one for 15 seconds (doing quick reps) until you're done with all four and then you do another set immediately after. You do four consecutive sets without breaks. Four minutes straight of the strength training exercises on the same body region may not sound like a lot, but it's a burnout!
So, if that makes sense, here are the exercises we did.

Upper Body 1:
  • Rows
  • Pushes
  • Bicep Curls
  • Oblique twists with resistance bands

Upper Body 2:
  • Push Ups
  • Tricep Dips
  • Military Presses
  • Reverse Crunches

  • Jump squats
  • Reverse Lunges
  • Different kinds of calf raises
Core 1:
  • Crunches
  • Left Side Crunches
  • Right Side Crunches
  • Reverse Crunches
Core 2:
  • Front Plank
  • Donkey Kicks- right
  • Donkey Kicks- left
  • Fire Hydrants- right
  • Fire Hydrants- left
After this intense workout people were instantly sore and shaky because thier muscles had been worked to the max. A great workout! Tonight I'm running with a friend though, so I hope my legs can keep up : )

Apr 28, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 Food

Pre-Workout Snack:
1/2 Protein Shake- 65
Banana- 100

1/2 Protein Shake- 65


Eggs- 60
Ham- 50
Toast- 90

Snack: mixed Fruit

Subway 6'' Turkey- 280
Chicken Soup- 130

Snack: Almonds- 170

Dinner: Ham- 140
Sweet Potato- 120
1/2 Skinny Cow- 70

TOTAL: 1340

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 Workout

It was 34 degrees when I went to bootcamp so I wore three warm layers and gloves and a hat. We ran out to the DeVos Place from 6th Street Park and did TRX mixed with cardio for the duration of the morning. About 5 minutes into it we were all shedding our top layer and taking our accesories off because we were so hot!

We worked the tnire body on TRX and for cardio we did TONS of running and a bit of skipping and a couple sets of stairs. One time Rob had us doing lunges instead of running. I thought that he wanted us to do lunges the same distance he told us to run (we had a wall we were supposed to stop at). About half way through my lunges my legs were burnt out, I had nothing more to give. I was all alone too which was odd....I figured people were procrastinating becuase they didn't want to do all of those lunges. So, when I finally get back to the group a couple of my friends were like "we wondered where the heck you were going". Apparently we were only supposed to do 10 lunges out and 10 lunges back. I bet I did about 100....maybe more.....SERIOULY. My legs were so burnt out that the rest of the run back to the park was a slow one.

All in all, considering my body is fighting some bug, it was a good workout. Good to be outside with the full moon and teh water and the city lights.

Apr 27, 2010

Tuesday, April 27th Food

banana (wans't feeling well)- 100

Lunch: Lean Pockets- 480

Snack: Mixed Nuts- 160

98% fat free hot dogs- 90

Buns- 200
Sweet Potato- 130

TOTAL: 1160

Apr 26, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010 Workout & Food

What I did to workout today:
Today I ran 1.5 miles and then walked another mile. My lower shins were burning--- I can't tell if it's from the 2.5 mile run I did on Friday or from walking around in Flip Flops at church all day on Sunday. (because I could tell my shins hurt after that). Next Sunday I'll try to force myself to wear tennis shoes to church..woooo, fun....

What I ate today:


Multi Grain Cheerios- 160
Skim Milk- 50


Thai- 600

Banana- 100
Almonds- 150

Chili- 350

TOTAL: 1410

Apr 25, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010 Food

Ham- 75
Hashbrowns- 150

Mixed Fruit

I had a meeting and had to eat pizza (I took the cheese off)
2 pieces- 500
dip- 40

Brown sugar & mustard rub salmon (if you love salmon let me know because this recipe was amazing!)- 300
Sweet Potato- 140

1/2 Skinny Cow- 70

TOTAL: 1275

Saturday, April 24, 2010 Food

Fiber 1 Pancakes- 190
Syrup- 100

90/10 burger- 175
Bun- 120
Plantain- 200

Jettie and I went to Palace of India and it was amazing, but I'm going to need to guess on some of the food based on the research I did online. Mostly I was just glad I watched my portions. Indian food is not a healthy choice. I think you can make it in healthy ways at home, but it's almost impossible when you eat out.
2/3 of a veggie somosa- 200
1 slice of fried califlower
Rogan Josh (lamb)- 300
Chana Masala (chick peas)- 150
1/2 cup basmati rice- 150
1 piece of garlic nan bread- 200
TOTAL: 1785

Apr 23, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010 Workout & Food

What I did to workout today:
Today I ran for 2.5 miles and I did it in 27 minutes. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be but the last .3 miles was pretty rough and I wanted to quit........but I didn't!! I was glad about that. There really is something about running that feels so much like an accomplishment or a breakthrough for me.......even more than anything at bootcamp. Maybe it's because running has always been difficult for me--- even thinking back to elementary school and the timed mile. I remember loving basketball when I played in Junior High but I also remember SUCKING at the running drills. It feels amazing to be able to run 2.5 miles and I don't care how slow I run them! Two weeks from tomorrow is the 53 Riverbank Run!

What I ate today:

Fiber 1 Pancakes- 170
Lite Syrup- 110

Turkey Sub from Subway- 280
Almonds- 150

String Cheese- 60
Almond Crisps- 140

90/10 burger- 175
Bun- 120
Plantain- 200

TOTAL: 1405

Apr 22, 2010

Thursday, April 22 Food

What I ate today:

1/2 Protein Shake- 65
Banana- 80

Postworkout: 1/2 Protein Shake- 65

Ham- 75
Hashbrowns- 150
OJ- 50

Muffin- 250 (probably high)

Naked Chix Burrito w/ Veggies- 600
Sprite- 120

Sweet Potato- 120
Peppers & Onions
Chicken- 60

1/2 Skinny Cow- 70

TOTAL: 1705 (shouldn't have had that muffin!)

Thursday, April 22 Workout

Today at bootcamp we started with a 1 mile solo-run. My legs could tell that I ran last night but it wasn't too bad. It really is nice to run down along the river when it's quite in downtown GR. It was FREEZING to start (I had three layers on) but I was able to strip my top layer after the run.

Then we did a large circuit including:
  • 3 types of bicep exercises
  • tricep extensions
  • shoulder lifts
  • jump rope
  • front lunges
  • back lunges
  • chest presses with 35 lb ammo can
  • ladder climbs with 25 lb weighted bars
  • reverse crunches
  • deep squats
  • slow pushups
  • slow tricep dips
  • side lunges (both sides obviously)
  • undulations iwth the ropes
She finished us with a core workout on the ground....it had people grunting and eventually yelling. It was probably the hardest core workout I've done so far this year....not going to lie, I had to take more than one break to get through!  We'll see how my abs feel later!

Time to tackle my day....

Apr 21, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010 Workout & Food

What I did to workout today:
Today I ran 1.8 miles with my friend Mel. I knew I needed a partner and I'm glad I had one. We kept a bit of a faster pace so that was good too.

What I ate today:

Multigrain Cheerios- 170
Skim Milk- 50

Mixed Fruit

Chipotle Chicken Burrito- 700 (too much!)

Almonds- 170
String Cheese- 60

Subway Turkey Sub- 280
Baked Chips- 140

TOTAL: 1570

Apr 20, 2010

Looking forward to a challenge

On Saturday my friend Adam is taking me to test road bikes. He works on building bikes and has worked selling bikes for years. We're going to take a couple of them out on the road.

I have to admit, although I've conquered so many things in my workouts, bike riding really intimidates me for some reason. I'm looking forward to the challenge but a little nervous!!! (and apprehensive about the pain of that teenie tiny seat I have to sit on!)

Tuesday, April 20, Food

Preworkout Snack:
Banana- 100
1/2 Protien Shake- 65

Postworkout Snack:
1/2 Protein Shake- 65

Whole Wheat Bread- 90
Eggs- 140
Ham- 50

Snack: Fresh Mixed Berries

Salad with tomatoes, goat cheese & almonds- 200
Whole Wheat Bread- 90
Turkey- 60

Dinner: (860)
Whole Wheat Buns- 250
98% fat free turkey dogs- 125

TOTAL: 1235

Tuesday, April 20, Workout

Ok, let's talk about today's workout at bootcamp.

My trainer, Rob, is gone for the week so we have a "substitute" trainer. She's this brick-house of a woman. Only about 5'2 maybe but pure muscle and LOTS of energy. She was really nice, but really intense.

We did a mix of cardio, strength training and plyometrics (i.e. explosive jumping exercises). We started in the park, then ran down to Michigan Ave along the river and then ended up back at the park again for core. I'll try to make a list, but I'm sure I'll miss some stuff!

  • Squat walks across the parking lot
  • lunges
  • hold lunges
  • penquin walk across the parking lot
  • wall sits (lowering a little more each time and holding)
  • 1 leg wall sits (I don't think I've ever done this before and I could barely hold it)
  • jump rope (frontward and backward)
  • rows
  • pushes
  • stair steps
  • tricep dips
  • overhead extensions for triceps
  • wall push ups
  • Power-Jacks
  • power- jumps
  • sissy squats (definitely NOT for sissys)
  • a form of skipping for a long distance
  • grapevine for a long distance
  • gallops for a long distance
  • tai bo (about 5 different exercises). For those of you who have heard me say I want to find a boxing class.....this made me rethink it......I was so tired....especially my shoulders! I was glad it was a good core workou though. 
  • planks- front, side, side, one leg, then the other.......and then side plank dips- 10 on each side 
I definitely felt challenged today which is a good thing. It was only 40 degrees out but the sweat was just pouring down my face and a few of my muscle groups were shakey. I'm kind of afraid to see what she has instore for us tomorrow but I'm up for the challenge!

Apr 18, 2010

Random Thought About Food

Random Thoughts About Food: (this is going to be random and I'm just going to type, not really care about how well it comes together)

Today I had this realization about my relationship with food. I realized that I don't crave it like I did before. Even furthur than that, I don't associate it with happiness. I used to think going out for dinner and having my favorite thing or enjoying a bowl of Cool Ranch Doritos or drinking a bunch of beer was super fun and equaled happiness....ok, let's be honest, it WAS fun and I generally did feel happy when I was doing it. But, things are different now, I don't feel like I need that to have fun or for an event or gathering of friends to be "special". Before, when I was talking about getting together with friends one of the main topics of conversation was about what we were going to eat. Seriously, if you think about it, you'll recognize that this is true.

Another thing I've been noticing is that, with warmer weather, comes more alcoholic beverages. I know that beer can be 200 calories and a mixed drink can be 300 if I'm not careful. Sure, I can have the occasional small glass of wine but that's even generally around 110 calories and it's hard to stick to one glass! I guess I never realized how often my social situations include alcohol until I started to count calories and record my intake. I just can't give 300 calories a day to alcohol.....and I DEFINITELY can't give 600 calories a day to it when I'm out for a long night or sitting around a bonfire.
I have decided to keep my alcohol consumption to 1-2 nights a week and try to limit my amount to 1 drink, a low calorie drink. This is going to be a challenge but it keeps alcohol a treat, so that's good.

I know that I have a lot more thoughts and realizations- seriously, being so in tune with my body, I realize new things every day. But, for now, this is it :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010 Workout & Food

What I did to workout today:
Today I ran my butt off at work and then did yoga. Ok, let's talk about that. Um, when you don't do yoga for a long time and you're only 1 week back into bootcamp, yoga is crazy hard! It was a good work out though. I felt stretched and revived. I hope that the pain in my leg goes away enough to make running doable tomorrow.

What I ate today:


English Muffin- 100
Egg- 100
Ham - 50
Cheese- 50
Hashbrowns- 150

Almonds- 120
Banana- 70

Tortillas- 240
Ground Beef- 230
Lettuce, tomatoes
Sour Cream- 50

Sweet Potato- 120
Skinny Cow- 140

TOTAL: 1490

Apr 17, 2010

Saturday, April 17th Workout & Food

What I did to workout today:
I am still in pain, in fact, I feel like more pain in my right leg, so, since we were walking a bunch and on our feet all day with Walk for Water, I'm going to call it good and not push myself. I would like to do 2 or 2.5 tomorrow though so hopefully putting it on here will help  me do that : )

What I ate today:

English Muffin- 100
Egg- 100
Ham - 50
Cheese- 50

Almonds- 150

Bun- 120
100% beef hotdog- 150
veggies & fruit
2 tbls of bbq pulled pork- 130

Tortillas- 240
Ground Beef- 230
Lettuce, tomatoes
Sour Cream- 50

Skinny Cow- 130

TOTAL: 1500

Friday, April 16, 2010 Food

I am going to quickly list what I ate because I want to get up to date on the blog even though I missed this day

Fiber 1 Pancakes- 170
Lite Syrup- 100

Asian Chicken Olga sandwich with "almost fat free bread". I ate 1/2 of the piece of bread. (nutritional info is not available on Olga's website right now :()
Kiwi Lemonade- 120

String Cheese- 120
Almonds- 100

Sushi at Tokyo Grill (So ridiculously good)

Apr 15, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010 Workout & Food

Today I woke up with a screaming sore throat so I slept in (the sickness started a couple of days ago but I just kept going going going going going and I knew I was making it worse with exhaustion). I was planning on running after work anyhow so I did that and still got a work out in. I don't know if it was that my body is sick, or if it was the heat and humidity but today's run wasn't easy or really enjoyable at all.
I ran a mile and my shin was hurting so badly that I walked 1/2 mile and then finished with another mile. I kept a good pace and I still got in 2 miles of running but I was disappointed that I had to walk at all. Oh well, I guess I just need to accept that sometimes it's easier than others.

One thing I'm realizing this week is that I'm going to have difficult managing boot camp AND running. It's really rough on my body to do both in one day but, when I go to boot camp Tues, Wed & Thurs, that doens't leave any other consistent time to train for the running, execept for the weekends and I feel like Fri-Sat isn't enough......well, maybe it's enough but the break of three days is almost too long for my body and when I run again at the end of the week I feel like my body has to adjust all over again. This is really different from last week when I was off of boot camp for Spring Break. I was ONLY running and I could tell my running was getting easier and improving daily.

I don't know what any of this means, but i'm just trying to figure out how to do it all because I know I'm going to keep doing boot camp and I know that I'm committed to the Riverbank Run on May 8th. This is the calendar I was thinking of but it puts a wrech in my bootcamp schedule until May 8.

Sun- off
Monday- run
Tuesday- bootcamp
Wednesday- run
Thursday- bootcamp
Friday- run
Saturday- run

 Maybe I'll just suck up doing doubles until May 8 .... hmmmmmmmmm........ (wow, I can't believe how much I just typed. I think I was just "brain dumping")

What I ate today:

Multi-grain Cheerios- 170
Skim Milk- 50

Veggie Burger- 125
Hamburger Bun- 120
2 tablespoons of a potato salad my friend made- 70?

Snack: Almonds- 150
Banana- 100

Whole Wheat Boboli Crust- 370
Sauce- 30
Ham- 70
Mushrooms, green pepper & onion

TOTAL: 1255

Apr 14, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 Workout

Today at boot camp we did the mile loop around the river walk doing exercises at each stop that included:

Squats, chest pulls, 3 kinds  of pushups (by FAR my least favorite part), tricep dips, partner pushes for different parts of the arms, etc.

Doing the loop was so rewarding today as I was able to stay at the head of the pack each quarter mile run. I used to be way far behind and would often have to walk instead of run. It was fun to see the progress today!

We ended back at the park with Tai Bo (sp?) for core and that was pretty fun.

The weather was perfect today. Not too hot, not too cold, and not too windy.

I'm tired though and now I kind of want to go back to bed............ah, but I can't......time to hit the shower instead!  :)

Apr 13, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010 Food

Eggs- 140
Ham- 50
Toast- 140

Almonds- 100

Lunch: Salad I made
with almonds, goat cheese, tomoatoes, chick peas- 250
Roll- 140
Chicken- 60

A kyle bday cookie- 150

I met my bro for dinner @ Fazolis- yuck!
I ordered a red sauce spaghetti and then made sure to only eat one half and it was STILL 500 calories- 500
PS. do you know there is 150 calories in 1 fricken breadstick at Fazolis- WASTE! The crazy thing I used to be able to eat about 6 in one sitting when they kept bringing them to the table. That's 900 calories I was eating in the bread alone- thank goodness I'm more aware of these things now!

TOTAL: 1530

Tuesday, April 13, 2010 Workout

First day back to boot camp after spring break!

Today I was reminded that I HATE waking up at 4:45am but I NEVER regret going to boot camp. I laughed, I was active, I breathed fresh air all morning (especially since it was soooooo windy down by the river!) The biggest thing I learned this morning though was that 1 week is a big deal when it comes to physical fitness.

Let's start with the positive- in 1 week I conditioned my cardio skills a ton. Today running was way easier at boot camp...well, cardio stuff in general was way easier. I couldn't believe how focusing on running for just one week last week helped me in improve in this area. We did 4 additional leg exercises today and I realized those were easier for me too (front and rear lunges and donkey kicks & fire hydrants).

Then, there's the not so positive side- in 1 week I DE-conditioned my strength training muscles. After warming up with a bit of cardio today we did a strength training circut that focused mainly on chest (pushups and pulls), shoulders (WITY's, military presses & pushups) and arms (tricep dips, curls, pushups)........and I was burnt out after 2 reps! I can normally go 5 reps just fine. Now, our shoulders are small muscles that we don't normally work on but, still, seriously, I shouldn't have been burnt at 2 reps! I made it through the whole workout though and I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow.

We finished up with about 4 different core exercises.

Glad to be back in the grind!!

Apr 12, 2010

Monday, April 12 Workout & Food

Real quick cause I need to get to bed.

Workout: Today I ran 1.5 miles with my friend Mel and then walked about .33miles It was a good easy run....

What I ate today:

Multi Grain Cheerios- 200
Skim Milk- 50

A bday oatmeal cookie for Kyle :), ha, or or for me!- 150

Went to OTB for Kyle's bday
Citrus Chipotle Chicken Salad- 290
1 cup tortilla soup (didn't eat the rice....yes, tricky, but I didn't know it came with rice)- 100

Almonds- 100
Banana- 100

Mama Mel made dinner
Chicken Parm, minus the Parm : )- 300 (probably high)
1/2 cup Pasta w/alfredo- 200 (this is a guess based on stuff I looked up)

Post Dinner:
Tiny shot of whiskey- 30

TOTAL: 1520

Apr 10, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010 Food

Mutli Grain Cheerios- 170
Skim Milk- 50

Left Over Indian Food- 400

Snack: String Cheese- 130

Went to a friend's to grill out and have a bonfire
Almonds- 170 (I knew he'd only have junk food for sides so I brought a baggie of Almonds)
Bun- 130
Hamburger- 280
2 beers- 320

TOTAL: 1650

Saturday, April 10, 2010 Workout

Today I ran 1 1/2 miles. I was hoping to do 2 again but my shins were sore from the 2 1/2 miles the day before so I decided to take it a bit easier. I stretched a lot yesterday with that longer run and I think that was a mistake--- for some reason, I do better the LESS I stretch. Who knows if that's good for me or not, but if it hurts, it hurts....so from now on I'm going to do minimal stretching.

It was a nice sunny day....glad the rain is slowing down!

My next mini-goal is to restock my Ipod with new running music. I can't do it without Kristen's computer though, so it'll be a bit but I really look forward to it!

Apr 9, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010 Workout WOO HOO

I DID IT!!!!!

I ran 2.5 miles....without stopping. I did it in 27.3 minutes so my pace is still around 11minutes a mile. But, from what I've heard if I can run 3 miles at an 11minute pace then I should be able to do a 10 minute pace on race day because of the crowd, motivation and adrenaline.
The run today, was ok for the first 1 1/2 miles and then, about mile 2, I turned a corner to come down Baldwin and BAM, cold, blow-you-over wind. So, I thought that that last 1/2 mile would kill me but, I know sooooo much of it is mental so I pushed forward and beat it. I was SOOOOOOOOO FREAKIN excited when my I-pod told me 100 more meters.......and then, CONGRATULATIONS, you've met your goal! (gotta love technological inspiration!)

When I was stretching and icing I thought to myself "How on earth am I going to do 3 miles. Then, as I thought about it, I remembered that I used to say "How on earth am I going to run a mile??" So, I'm proud of how far I've come and I look forward to breaking more personal records.

Sounds like I'm on par for a 5K in a few weeks. Good thing!

talk about accountability

I'm going to run 2.5 miles today.

There, I typed it, for all to see.......so now I HAVE to do it.

Apr 8, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010 Food

Multi Grain Cheerios- 170
Skim Milk- 45

Almonds- 120

Whole Grain Buns- 200
98% fat free turkey dogs- 80
Sweet Potato- 130

Marshmallows- 100

Basmati Rice- 200
Jalfrezzi Indian Food, Chicken- 300 (best guess)
Green Beans w/ olive oil- 30
1/2 piece of nan bread- 110

2 shots of whiskey- 200? (probably not worth it)

TOTAL: 1685

Apr 7, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010 Food

I focused on having a low calorie day today:

Fiber 1 Pancakes- 190
Lite Syrup- 100

Whole Wheat Buns- 200
98% fat free turkey dogs- 80
Marshmallows- 80

Flat  bread pizza I made
Flat Bread- 150
Mushrooms, green pepper, onion
Ham- 50
Sweet Potato- 130
KP Cupcake- 150

TOTAL: 1130

Wednesday, April 7, 2010 Workout

I set out to run 2miles in 20 minutes today but I did it in 22..... that's ok though, I'll take it.

Today, mile one seemed like a breeze...which is good, I definitely wouldn't say I've ever felt like running a mile was "a breeze" before so that must mean there's impovement. The 2nd mile wasn't so great though. It was so humid! It wasn't a horrible 2nd mile by any means, but I can't wait until I'm saying that the first TWO miles were a breeze : )

Another day down....

31 days until my first 5K race!!!

Apr 6, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010 Food

Multi Grain Cheerios- 170
Skim Milk- 50

2 Tortillas- 160
3oz ground beef- 220
1/2 cup  black beans- 110
peppers, tomatoes
sour cream- 30
KP made red velvet healthy cupcakes for me- 150

Almonds- 140

5oz New York Strip Steak- 285
Sweet Potato- 120

Dessert: Another KP special- 150

TOTAL: 1585

Apr 5, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010 Workout & Food

Today I was going to do the training calendar with Mel- Run 2, Walk 1 for 30 minutes- but we decided to just do 2 miles straight without walking. It was great! I had the Ipod in again so that helped just like yesterday. My legs were tired from yesterday still but I didn't have that shooting pain I was having before. I stretched a bunch afterward but I can tell my thighs are still sore and will probably be sore tomorrow......but not like "pain/injury" sory, more like my muscles got worked!

Glad to see how training improves over the next week now that I've found what works well for me!

What I ate today:

Multi Grain Cheerios- 160
Skim Milk- 40

Peanut Curry with Chicken & Veggies- 600
Thai Soup- 100

Almonds- 170
String Cheese- 60

Ham- 70
Sweet Potato w/butter- 130

TOTAL: 1330

Apr 4, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010 Food

What I ate today (yep, definitely made up for the low cal day yesterday!)

English Muffin- 100
Eggs- 100
Cheese- 50
Ham- 100
Hashbrown- 150

Almonds- 85

Today we had Easter lunch at the Geskus house. It was delicous and I definitely splurged (although I was proud of my portion sizes). The only other thing I can be proud of us that I didn't have seconds and I didn't have any bread at all.
sprite/grape juice drink (splurge!)- 100
5oz Prime Rib- 370
1/2 cup Twice Baked Potatoes- 120 (guessed on this)
2/3 cup Green Bean Casserole- 135
Angel food cake cup- 110
strawberries- 60
3 black jelly beans- 30

Tortillas- 160
3oz Ground Beef- 197

TOTAL: 1817

Sunday, April 4, 2010 Workout

I'm soooo geeked! I just ran 2.2 miles- the most I've ever run without stopping!! I did it in 23.32 mins- so it was about a 10:52 pace but that's ok, I'll take it, at least my shins didn't break in half and I didn't stop.

One thing I noticed today was that finding that slower pace really helped my shins not hurt as badly. I also used my Ipod again, which I haven't used in a long time, and I think it helped. I couldn't hear my breathing because I kept the volume up and then I had my entire song collection on shuffle so the songs were suprises (some super old ones and ones I have memories too) so it kept  my mind off of running a little bit.

Overall, I think my "success" was in the slower pace. I think I'll try to stick with this and then I can work on speeding it up later. So what if I come in dead last at the Riverbank Run, at least I'll finish 3.1 miles without walking for the first time in my life ever!

Can you tell I'm excited??? Good thing because I was horribly discouraged with my shins this week. Easier pace is better. That's my mantra this week!

Apr 3, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010 Workout & Food

What I did to work out today:

Today I did a running progression from the Gazelle's training calendar. I ran 4, walked 4, ran 3, walked 3, ran 2, walked 2, ran 1, walked about 5 (I was too far away from the house to end on time : )) Pain level today was about 8 out of 10. I'm starting to get very angry.

What I ate today:

Fiber 1 Pancakes- 190
Lite Syrup- 100

98% fat free turkey dog- 80
Whole Wheat Buns- 200
Alexia Organic Fries- 150

We had a Holy Saturday celebration at the Z's. I'm glad I had a late lunch because I knew I'd be tempted by lots of unhealthy food. My plate was random but overall good choices out of my overall selection.
Cucumbers & Red Peppers
1/2 tablespoon of Hummus- 20
4 Triscuits- 80
1 slice of summer sausage- 25
2 slices of cheese (about 1oz)- 60
4 chicken wings- 200 (guessing off of sites I went to)
Sauce- 60

TOTAL: 1165 (I left the party hungry, now I know why, definitely not enough cals for the day....tomorrow's Easter, maybe I'll make up for it : ))

Apr 2, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010 Workout & Food

Today I went for a walk. My legs are still sore, but it was good to move. Afterward, I really spent a lot of time stretching which also felt great. Since I don't have bootcamp this week I really probably should focus on stretching and keeping limber.

What I ate today:

Multi Grain Cheerios- 170
Skim Milk- 50

6 inch subway turkey sub (no cheese or mayo)- 280
kiddi rice & beans & chicken side (these are new at Qdoba & they're great!)- 200

Marshmallows (i couldn't resist)- 300

Homemade general tso steamers with broccoli- 500

TOTAL: 1300

Apr 1, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

What I did to workout today:

First, let me just say....I CAN'T BELIEVE APRIL IS ALREADY HERE!

The run today was not easy for some reason. I'm still following the 5k calendar for the most part so I did 2 min run, 2 min walk, 2 min run, 2 min walk, etc. for 20 minutes. I think that when I have short bursts of time it's harder for me to control my pace and do something comfortable so I do a faster run than I should. It was just so hard. My shins hurt.....of course.....but worst than normal....seriously. They were totally tightening up. I wonder if it was because of the extreme heat and humidity? Seriously, I don't know what to do about this and I'm getting discouraged because I know that as far as cardio and strength and core and all of that goes, I'm TOTALLY ready to run a 5K no problem.....it's just the pain. It makes me sad & discouraged. (not about my fitness in general, I'm really proud of that, but about my running progress and the possibility of continuing at a decent clip).

What I ate today:

Random note: Today I told my brother I would pick up McDonalds for him. I used to LOVE McDonalds- specifically the fries with lots of ketchup. Anyway, the first thing I noticed was that I was completely embarrassed to be in the drive through. Like I was worried if someone saw me and thought I eat that stuff and like I was embarrassed if someone who knew I was taking care of my thought saw me and thought I was cheating (why do I care what people think??) Anyway, it's a good thing. I'm glad that I don't want to be associated with McDonalds. It's not a snotty thing, it's a "I want people to know I value myself enough to not eat there normally).

Whole Grain Cheerios- 170
Skim Milk- 45

Whole Wheat Bread- 95
Turkey- 70
Salad with feta & almonds & veggies- 200

Almonds- 170

Curry Pad Thai with Chicken & Veggies- 600

TOTAL: 1350