May 31, 2010

I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!

For the last 12 days I've been sick........... and........yep, I'm still sick. During this past week I've still been strict about my calorie counting but I took a break from the workouts (aside from walking). That was in an attempt to get my body to rest and recuperate but it was VERY hard. I had a couple people holding me accountable, telling me I literally "could not" work out. I'm thankful for those people.
One thing that is not super awesome is that I lost more weight this week than I did the weeks when I'm working out. HOWEVER...I felt like CRAP emotionally and physically all week and I missed my workouts like crazy.

Even though I'm only about 90% functioning, I am going to go to boot camp tomorrow. Tomorrow is the start of the 90 Day Challenge (with a $1,000 grand prize!). I posted details about the challenge in an earlier post but essentially, you set a personal goal, work out at boot camp AT LEAST 3 times a week, hand in weekly food logs and meet with the trainers. Everyone who completes these goals will have their name in a raffle, if your name is drawn, you win.
For me, I feel like I need to take these next 90 days to challenge myself even further beyond the 90 Day Challenge. I already KNOW that I can work out as much as is required and I know I will be able to meet a personal goal (I've had a lot of practice over the year :)), but I want to push myself.
Tomorrow, I'm meeting with Rob, my trainer, to talk about what my personal goal could be. I know that he'll help me pick something that challenges me personally and doesn't allow me to just go through the motions. When I meet with him tomorrow we are also getting our weight and measurements and body fat analysis so that we know where we're starting from so that we can track our progress. I think I can do a lot of changing in 90 days, I see it happen every 90 days so I'm excited to enter this challenge!

May 22, 2010

Saturday, May 22, 2010 Food

Dry Cheerios- 100
Banana- 70

Lean Pockets- 480

Barilla Pasta- 350
Pasta Sauce- 80
Zuccini, Mushrooms, Green Pepper & Onion

Popsicle- 25

TOTAL: 1105

May 18, 2010

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010 Food

Pre workout:
1/2 protein shake- 65

Post workout: 
1/2 protein shake- 65

Eggs-  60
Ham- 130
Toast- 80

Banana- 100

Qdoba Naked Chicken- 580

Almonds- 170

Tortillas- 120
Taco Meat- 196
Salsa- 30
Cheese- 25
Onion, Lettuce

Angel Food Cake- 140
Strawberries w/ Truvia

TOTAL: 1561

Pre-Boot Camp Picture and Picture from today 5.18.10

If you click on the picture you can see it full size. For anyone who is working out, I HIGHLY recommend taking pictures of yourself reguarly. The scale doesn't always move as quickly as you want it to but that does not mean your body isn't changing. At boot camp we take regular pcitures and measurements. The measurements are helpful as well but the pictures are more motivating for me than the measurements are.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 Workout 1

Today at boot camp we did an intensive run. This means, we ran 2.3 miles (at a faster pace than my usual pace), ran hills, and did exercises throughout.
When I say we "ran hills"....they weren't just little inclines, they were Lyon and Michigan downtown. I was worried at one point that I was going to need to walk but I pushed through, very determined. I've never run hills like that and my shins were aware of it : ). The thing is, I just kept telling myself 1. if you look down it's not a hill and 2. once you get to the top, you get to come back down. That worked the first time but then we got down Lyon and he sent us BACK UP!!!!!!!!!!

The exercises we did included:
  • chest pulls
  • back rows
  • obliques with the resistance bands
  • step ups
  • side step ups (both sides)
  • reverse steps with a leg lift (good for the buns)
  • tricep dips
  • bicep curls
  • reverse crunches
As always, I may have missed some things but that's ok. Today felt like a milestone for me. Running 2.3 miles with LARGE hills, that's a first, and a big accomplishment!!

Now I'm sitting here icing my shins : )......

Mama Mel and I are supposed to run together after work. I'd still love to do that so we'll have to see how I recover throughout the day.

May 17, 2010

Monday, May 17th, 2010 Food

Banana- 70

1/2 protein shake- 65

Eggs- 75
Ham- 50
Toast- 80

Cheese- 120

Thai- 600

Almonds- 170

Multigrain Cheerios- 170
Skim Milk- 50

TOTAL: 1450

Monday, May 17th, 2010 Workout

For some reason, boot camp was super challenging today. I don't think I ate the right food before going so my muscles didn't have the gusto they needed. We did a circuit but we hit legs hard and my legs were burnt out!
Exercises included:
  • a warm up of jogging, skipping, shuffling, butt kicks, high kicks, high knees, etc
  • hoop jumps
  • jump rope
  • reverse crunches
  • ladder runs
  • push ups
  • tricep dips
  • pushes with resistance band
  • rows with resistance band
  • deep squats
  • stairs (seriously 120= burnt out legs) 
  • bicep curls with free weights
  • rows with free weights
  • bench press with free weights
  • even more squats with swinging weights
  • chest with swinging weights
  • crunches
  • side crunches (both sides obviously)
  • the big x sit ups
  • bicycles front and back (for abs)
There may be a couple that I missed but you can see why we kept our heart rate up and why it was a challenging workout today. Hopefully I'll sleep tonight (it's been a couple nights) and then I'll eat better tomorrow for a better workout!

Saturday, May 15 & Sunday, May 16 Workouts

Crap, I got behind this weekend...that has only ever happened one other time I think! I know the blog is to keep me accountable, so I want to keep making sure to do it daily (or every other day at the LEAST).

Saturday Workout:
I helped my sister move for about 4 hours, that was definitely a work out with the lifting and stairs.

Sunday Workout: I went for a 3 mile walk and did yoga. I was stressed out and both of those things helped to clear my mind.

May 14, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010 Food

Multigrain Cheerios- 170
Skim Milk- 50

Ming Ten Sushi- 600

Turkey Dog- 80
Whole Wheat Bun- 200
French Fries- 350

TOTAL: 1350

May 13, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010 Food

MultiGrain Cheerios- 200
Skim Milk- 50

Whole Wheat Crust- 370
Ham- 70
Green Pepper

Snack: Banana- 100

Ham- 120
Sweet Potato- 150

TOTAL: 1060
(I got sick today so I may have lost some of those calories :-/)

Thursday, May 13, 2010 Workout- Fitness Eval

The Girls on the Run 5k was canceled due to flooding of the course so I decided to go to the 5:30PM boot camp (I didn't go this morning because I thought I'd be running the 5K.

Well, today was FitPar, our regular fitness test/evaluation.
We do a series of exercises for certain time periods to see how many we can do....what our max is (see the video clips below to see what we do--- if you look closely you'll see me in some of them but it was like a year ago).

This day's FitPar with my scores:
  •  1 Mile Run- 9:07 (BEST EVER!!!! I was stoked... I did a 16:00 mile the first time, crazy improvement)
  • 1 minute Tricep Dips - 55 (I only did 27 the first time I did this)
  • 1 minute Crunches- 104 (I did 62 the first time I did this)
  • 1 minute Front Plank
  • 2 minute Jump Rope- 199 (thought I might die on this, but I did 151 the first time so it was an improvement)
  • 1 minute Push Ups- 34 (I only did 6 the first time so I'm proud but I want to get better at these)
  • 1 minute Reverse Crunches- 66 (I only did 33 the first time I did this)
We'll do the same FitPar in 4 more weeks to compare our scores and see how far we've come.

When I got home, I puked..... a lot. I was suprised it didn't all come out at boot camp but my gosh I needed to get it out. This is the second time it's happened since I started boot camp.  It was disgusting but I felt a lot better afterward. I pushed my cardio tonight harder than I've ever pushed it before. I can still feel the tightness in my chest. I am coughing horribly from the asthma.........and yet, I couldn't be happier :).

Specific Info on 90 Day Challenge

GR Boot Camp is holding it's first ever 90 day challenge starting June 1, 2010.

What do I get if I decide to sign-up? You will get 90 Days of body-transforming motivation, accountability and support. You will be given unlimited access to all GR Boot Camp sessions during... this 90 Day challenge. There will also be 6 additional Intense Training Sessions available to you at no additional cost. You will get a personal portfolio containing goals and before and after photographs. You will get 3 personalized 1-on-1 goal-setting and check-up sessions. Wake-up calls will be provided, if needed. You will also receive an exclusive 90 Day Challenge gift bag with items inside that will help you with the challenge.

Why is it called a "Challenge"? Because throughout the process, you will learn to challenge yourself to reach for goals that you've always fallen just short of. There will be a HUGE Grand Prize at stake as well as several other prizes and packages for those who meet their goals.

How do I sign up? Contact Rob at or go to

Riverbank Run 5K and the Boot Camp 90 Day Challenge

So this entry is horribly late.

The Riverbank Run 5K was a great expience. From running with friends, to doing runs on my own and enjoying 30 minutes of quiet, to doing the actual race with my big brother,

I went into it sooooo stoked to run 3.1 miles for the first time in my life and, since starting training, I've run that distance 3 times now. My quickest time was 34 minutes and, I know that isn't an amazing time, but it gives me something to strive to beat.

The race itself was interesting and I learned a lot about what it's like to run in an event like that. There were TONS of people, the weather was soo cold and windy and drizzly, etc. I think that I psyched myself out mentally and kept trying to find me 'training pace' but my training pace was for training...I should have been comfortable letting my body find a race pace. I was worried I would burn out and the very last thing I wanted to do was walk.

Even though my time wasn't what I wanted, I felt so amazing at the finish line. I am proud of myself for accomplishing a goal and I am so glad that I can see myself as a kind of person who could run a 5K. I didn't feel like I didn't belong, I felt like I was right where I should have been.

Now, what's next? I was going back and forth between if I wanted to do another 5K and improve my time, or if I wanted to go for distance and do a 10K. I decided that I want to do 5K's to improve my time. Part of that motivation is that I know you burn more calories when you do faster pace for shorter time than you do if you do slower pace for a long distance. Calorie burn and eccelerated heart rate will help me with the boot camp training too so, that's where I'm headed.

When I told my trainer that I was going to do a 5K every month through October to reach my goal of a 30minute 5K. He was hesitant about this because of the way it affects my boot camp training (my shins constantly hurt so it was hard to do both). He offered to run with me until I reach my goal of 30 minutes....that is so incredibly gracious of him. He said he'd rather see me do the Boot Camp 90 Day Challenge that is June-August. The Challenge is intensive and you set your own personal goal (like a piece of clothing you want to fit into). You need to do a certain number of days and you need to turn in food logs and have one-on-one meetings. Each time you complete a workout, your name is entered into a drawing (so the more you work out the better chances of winning you have). At the end of the challenge, the name drawn wins $1000 cash or round trip plane tix (they're trying to figure that part out).

I think this'll be great. It's a good new challenge for me.....but, it means I won't be doing a 5K every month because my body can't handle that. I think that I will do two 5Ks. I wll do the Reeds Lake 5K and the Alger Heights 5K. (Derk may talk me into the Coast Guard 5K in GH too but we'll see about that).

WANT TO DO THE 90 DAY CHALLENGE WITH ME???? Email me at and I'll hook you up. It'll be fun : )

May 12, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 Food

Banana- 100

1/2 Protein Shake- 65

Eggs- 75
Ham- 50
Toast- 80

We had a lunch meeting at Olive Garden
( I managed to stay away from the bread sticks!)
1/2 lunch order Capellini Pomodora- 260

String Cheese- 60
Mixed Fruit

Lean Pockets- 480

After Dinner out with a friend-
2 beers- 300 (high)

TOTAL: 1470

90 Day Challenge @ GR Adventure Boot Camp


Grand Rapids Adventure Boot Camp 90 Day Challenge

GR Boot Camp is holding it's first ever 90 day challenge starting June 1, 2010.
What do I get if I decide to sign-up? You will get 90 Days of body-transforming motivation, accountability and support. You will be given unlimited access to all GR Boot Camp sessions during this 90 Day challenge. There will also be 6 additional Intense Training Sessions available to you at no additional cost. You will get a personal portfolio containing goals and before and after photographs. You will get 3 personalized 1-on-1 goal-setting and check-up sessions. Wake-up calls will be provided, if needed. You will also receive an exclusive 90 Day Challenge gift bag with items inside that will help you with the challenge.
Why is it called a "Challenge"? Because throughout the process, you will learn to challenge yourself to reach for goals that you've always fallen just short of. There will be a HUGE Grand Prize (either round trip tickets to a vacation spot or $1000 cash) at stake as well as several other prizes and packages for those who meet their goals.
How do I sign up? Contact Rob at or go to
How much does it cost?

This investment in your health is less than you would pay for 3 1 Month sessions of Boot Camp.

With 2 or more others, just $599 each

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 Workout

Todays bootcamp was very challenging....made up for Monday I guess.

We did a running loop around the river, doing exercises at different stations. I did my best to run at a 8/9 from station to station to help work on my speed.
The stations included:
  • wall sits
  • step-ups
  • tricep dips
  • pushups (two stations of these)
  • flutter kicks
  • reverse crunches
  • rows (with resistance band)
  • flys (with resistance band)
  • bicep curls (with resistance band) 
  • start jumps (hate these)
  • we ran a flight of stairs 4 times as fast as we could
  • tricep extensions (with resistance band)
Then we came back to the park and did three sets of core before stretching out.

Today was the first time in a long time that I felt like I kept my heart rate up. It was challenging, but a good workout!

(my shins hurt so, if anyone is reading this and wants to pray for them, that'd be great since tomorrow is the Girls On The Run 5K)

May 11, 2010

Thoughts Inspired by Biggest Loser

Right now I'm watching the Biggest Loser and it's an episode where people are looking back at thier journies....which is making me look back at my journey thus far.

Now, more than ever, I am certain that my success (i.e. working out consistently for 19 months, eating healthily for 7 months straight, running my first 5k and setting future goals for fitness like more 5ks and a mini-Tri next June, etc).... I am certain that I have found this success because my goal has been to be physically fit and healthy and NOT to lose weight. Now, do I LOVE that I'm losing weight and looking better and fitting into regular sized clothing?? OF COURSE!
The thing is that, when you aim to lose weight you see success in tiny ways and it's not super consistent. When you aim to be better at physical activities than you were the day before, you see success EVERY DAY! That success is a motivator for the next day, and then that day's success is a motivator for the following, etc.

I am so excited about how far I've come physically. I can see myself doing amazing workouts before I even do them. When I was watching Daris do the sand-hill challenge on Biggest Loser tonight I could see in his eyes what I know I get in my eyes at boot camp. I could see him visualizing that he could do it, that he could win, that he was strong enough, that he had what it could take. I could see him having that confidence. If anything that I've gained, I'm so glad that I've gained that confidence. I don't see myself as the fat girl anymore. I don't see myself as the girl who can't "keep up". I don't see myself as someone who lacks drive. I see myself as strong, confident, driven.........and that's a good feeling...... a feeling that can keep me going forever.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 Food

MultiGrain Cheerios- 170
Skim Milk- 40

Mixed Fruit
Cheese- 60

Peanut Curry with Chix & Veggies- 600

I got to have a family bday dinner with the Z's at Logans. Super special and delicious.
I chose an under 550 calorie meal from the health menu and added a Sweet Potato
Pork Chop Dinner
Sweet Potato
8 Peanuts
= 650

TOTAL: 1520

May 10, 2010

Monday, May 10 Food

Banana- 70

1/2 protein shake- 65

Eggs- 100
Ham- 50
Toast- 80

Mixed Fruit

Chicken & Veggies & Potatos @ Applebees- 500

Almonds- 170

My friend Sue made a wonderful dinner for my bday preday
Steak- 300
Potatoes- 120
Salad w/ cashews and feta- 100 (probaby high for the amount I had)

After Dinner: 3 whiskey & diet 7up drinks- 210??

TOTAL: 1765

Monday, May 10, 2010 Workout

Ok, I know I haven't written about the Riverbank Run yet, I'll get to it, I promise!

What I did to workout today:
It was sooo good to be back at Boot Camp. I normally don't go on Mondays but I think I'm going to be out late tonight so I didn't want to risk only doing 2 days this week. We focused on weight training, with very little cardio.
After stretching we ran a lap and I could tell my calf/shin connection area (sorry, don't know the scientific term) was really tight and sore's been about two weeks like that...bummer! But, the short run alone loosened it up a bit.
Then, we went right into a full body weight workout.

We started with legs:
Reverse lunges
Forward lunges
Side lunges (both sides)
Leg presses on our backs

Then we moved to chest and back:
Push ups
Ground work including:
Weights overhead

Then we moved to arms and shoulders:
Military presses
Bicep Curls
Bicep Curls across the chest
Bicep Curls with double weight across the chest
Tricep extensions overhead
Tricep extensions back

Then we moved into core:
Side Crunches (both sides)
Reverse Crunches
Side Reverse Crunches (both sides)
Front Plank

I may have missed some things but that's the general work out. It was an easy one because the cardio was so light but there were some new people so he had to introduce the body parts and exercises. It was still good to move and to be outside and to be back at bootcamp!

May 8, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010 Food

Whole Wheat Bread- 80
Peanut Butter- 200

Post Run: Banana- 70

Eggs- 140
Potatos- 130
Toast- 200

Jimmy Johns Turkey Tom Sub- 320
Chips- 150

Chicken- 170
Tortillas- 240
Sour Cream- 40
Peppers and Onions

TOTAL: 1740

May 7, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010 Workout & Food

Workout, or not:
I took the day off from running today. The training calendar only said to run 1 mile so that was just to ekep the legs loose. I did move a bunch of stuff out of my dad's house so that probably kept me loose enough. My legs aren't hurting but I'm having bad back pain....GO FIGURE!!!!! I think it's all related to "female stuff" so I took Ibuprofen and used a heating pad to loosen it up.... my goodness, if it isn't one thing it's another.

Whole Wheat Bread- 80
Peanut Butter- 200

I went to Yesterdogs with the guys, mmm
2 yesterdogs- 450 (that is probably high)

Snack: Banana- 70

Mel and I went out as a "training celebration dinner" before the race tomorrow
2 bagle chips and 3 pitas with Artichoke Dip
4oz of fries
6 oz of steak with garlic butter

May 6, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010 Workout & Food

What I did to workout today:

Mel and I ran our last training calendar day together before the race on Saturday. It was run 1/walk 1 for 36 minutes and, other than my shin cramping for the second day in a row, it was an easy run. Didn't even sweat a ton and I ALWAYS sweat.

Looking forward to Saturday!

What I ate today:

Multi Grain Cheerios- 170
Skim Milk- 40

Qdoba Naked Chicken Burrito- 610

Banana- 100
Almonds- 170

Subway 6 inch turkey- 280
Raisins- 130

TOTAL: 1500

May 5, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010 Workout & Food

What I did to Workout:

Today I ran 2 miles. My legs were cramping up something horrible. I don't know what was wrong. I stopped to untie my shoes to losen them up. Hopefully that was just an "off day" as we approach the race.

What I ate today:

Multigrain Cheerios- 170
Skim Milk- 40

Salad with almonds and goat cheese- 200
Whole Wheat Bread- 80
Turkey- 60

Mixed Fruit
Banana- 100

90/10 Ground Sirloin- 230
Bun- 100
Tortilla Chips- 200
Salsa- 30

TOTAL: 1210

May 4, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010 Food

What I ate today:

MultiGrain Cheerios- 170
Skim Milk- 40

Banana- 100

Salad with almonds & goat cheese- 200
Whole Wheat Bread- 80
Turkey- 60

String Cheese- 60

90/10 ground sirloin- 300
Bun- 100
Skinny Cow- 160

TOTAL: 1270

May 3, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010 Workout

Today Mel and I did the training calendar running 2 minutes/ walking 2 minutes for a total of 40 minutes. At first I thought "40 minutes is going to be such a long time!" but the weather was gorgeous and the run felt good.
After a couple sets I realized how awesome it was that we weren't struggling and we were even holding conversation!!!! We've come a long way since we started!

May 2, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010 Food

Eggs- 100
Ham- 100
Bagel- 250

Almonds- 150
Cheese- 60

Jimmy Johns Turkey Tom- 320
Chips- 300

Dinner: General Tsos, homeade with lots of veggies- 350

TOTAL: 1630

May 1, 2010

Saturday, May 1, Food

Eggs- 100
Ham- 50
Toast- 80

1/2 burger- 170
1/2 bun- 50
Plaintains- 200

Almonds- 170

Subway Turkey Sub- 280
Chips- 250

TOTAL: 1350

3.1 MILES COMPLETED! May 1, 2010 Workout

Last week, my boss, who's an avid runner and has been doing races for years (mostly marathons, but still) was talking to me about taper and the decision was made that I should follow the training calendar for the week prior to the race so that I would taper properly.

Todays calendar said 2 mile run/ 3 min walk/ 1 mile run, well, that equals 3.1 and that is a 5k! I know my shins well enough to know that I couldn't do the 3minute walk part and that I'd have to run straight through. Last night Jettie and I walked a course that was mapped out at 4 miles so I knew what I had to do today.

I was glad the weather was cooler than yesterday so I got geared up and hit the pavement. For some reason, probably just God on my side and two days since my last bootcamp, my run was fairly easy as far as runs go. I did feel like I was going slowly but I couldn't go faster if I wanted to, my body was almost like "Hey, this is my pace and it's the pace I can do well with out being in pain or having to quit", I listened and did the slower pace.

My Ipod trainer kept telling me 1k completed 2k completed, etc. and then as I neared the end it started counting down in meters. 400 meters to go, it cheered me on! 300 meteres, 200 meters, 100 meters.......and then CONGRATULATIONS, YOU JUST FINISEED 5Kilometers, YOUR LONGEST LOGGED WORKOUT TO DATE! (It was Lance Armonstrong on the recording so I pretended like he was really congratulating me :)).

I did the 3.1 miles in 34 minutes. I would love to do a 5K in 30 minutes, but hey, I'll take this!