Jan 31, 2010

Sunday, Jan 31, Food

Here’s what I ate today:

Don’t worry, I’ll get back to focusing on counting protein when the week starts again.
Egg Beaters- 60
Ham- 50
Hashbrowns- 140

Greek Yogurt (high in protein) w/ less than 1 tbls of peanut butter- 235 (18grams)

(I made homemade pizza w/ lots of veggies and no cheese)
Pizza Crust-360
Sauce- 30
Ham- 30
Mushrooms, Onion, Green Pepper

Chicken nuggets (I just cut a chicken breast into chunks & seasoned them with paprika)- 175
Small Sweet Potato- 140
Orange- 50


A new session of boot camp starts this week. I'll be going Tues, Wed & Thurs. I'm thinking I want to kick up my yoga trianing so maybe I'll get 3 yoga workouts this week? We'll see how that goes. Oh my how I can't wait for the weather to be good enough to go for long walks outside!!!!!!!!

The thing about counting calories...

The thing about counting calories is that I'm starting to feel like it's teaching me BAD habits. I know, I know, how can that be??? Nothing is wrong with eating waaaay fewer calories than you used to eat, right???

Well, here's how I've been viewing calories.... "I GET".... so my mind says things like "well, I get 1800 calories today" and then I plan according to that. Or, "wow, I have 600 calories left I can have a larger, or slightly unhealthier dinner".
Even if I'm having something like Soup that I know I can get full on in 1 1/2 cups, but I "get to have" 2 cups because that's how many calories I'm allowed, I notice myself just having the 2 cups even though 1 1/2 probably would have been "enough" to satisfy me.

I find this all really interesting....it's like my mind needs to consume as much food as it's "allowed"...like if I don't eat it in that moment I'll be deprived! Does anyone else feel this way?

So, how do I stop just filling up my calorie allotment and actually start listening to my body better? I think the first thing I'm going to do is start with about 1/2 what I would normally eat. I'll wait 5-10 minutes before deciding if I need more.

Other suggestions?

Jan 30, 2010

Saturday, Jan 30, 2010 Food & Workout

Here’s what I did to workout today:

I did a 50minute yoga workout today but I feel like I need to only count about 40minutes because there were times when it became so hard that I had to stop to catch my breath. It was a cardio intense yoga workout and it kicked my “a”! At the end of the workout the instructor encouraged us to continue “practicing”. Let me tell you, I’ll NEED to practice if I’m ever even going to feel intermediate at Yoga! It was a good workout though.

Here’s what I ate today:
(Don’t worry, I’ll get back to focusing on counting protein when the week starts again.)

Fiber 1 Pancakes- 130
Light Syrup- 60

Grilled Cheese- 280
Baked Chips- 120
Post-workout Snack:
Protein Shake- 180

Kristen & I ate at Olives tonight and it was great. I recommend it if you haven’t been before.
About ½ cup Chicken Lettuce Wraps- (no cheese or anything)- 125
6oz hamburger- 350
½ Hamburger bun- 70
(the entire hamburger was ½ lb but I cut it before I ate it and set the other part aside and didn’t eat it all with bun)

We went to the movies afterward and I did get some Good n Plentys out of the quarter machine- 100


A good reminder

So I went to this website where you can enter what kind of activity you did, your weight, and how long you did the activity and it will tell you how many calories you burned. It told me I burned over 700 calories doing the three hours of housework yesterday! NICE!

The reason I write this is because it's a good reminder to me that being "active" in any way is good for your health. You've heard the saying "Standing is better than sitting, walking is better than standing and running is better than walking". It's true.

Just a good reminder, that's all :)

Jan 29, 2010

Friday, Jan 29, Workout & Food

(sorry today’s post isn’t super uplifting but, I promised to be honest so as to give a realistic account and so that I could track my progresses- the struggles and the successes)

Here’s what I did to workout today:
I’ve been doing Yoga on Fridays but today I literally cleaned every part of my living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom for my workout. I did everything from scrubbing floors to dusting crown molding. I recommend it if you’re ever stressed out=== you can get a lot of aggression out and it’s a great workout!

Here’s what I ate today:
I didn’t calculate protein today and I didn’t focus much on it either. Frankly, it was such an emotional day that I’m surprised I make healthy eating decisions at all. I’ve always said that I’m not an emotional eater but today, I wanted to snack all day! If you read yesterday you saw that my calorie intake was about 300 calories higher than I wanted it to be so I had to be super careful that I didn’t go over my goal today to make up for that.

I feel like I’m conquering it, but food is obviously still a little bit more in control than I would like it to be. Why does it have to taste sooooo darn good????

Fiber 1 Pancakes- 190
Light Syrup- 100

Fiesta Chicken Lean Pockets- 480

String Cheese- 80
10 tortilla Chips- 150
Hummus- 40

5-6oz Pork Tenderloin- 175
Small baked potato- 110
2tbls Fat Free sour cream- 25
1 cup Green beans
Dessert: Spice Cake (made with Pumpkin)- 150


Jan 28, 2010

Thursday, Jan 28, 2010 Food

Here’s what I ate today:

1/2Protien Shake- 65 (12grams)
½ banana- 45 (2grams)

Protein Shake- 130 (24grams)

Bagel & Cream Cheese (yep, I know it’s a horrible choice)- 300 (6grams)
String Cheese- 80 (7grams)

Almonds, peanuts, raisings, chocolate pieces- 100 (10grams)

Tuna- 100 (22grams)
Barilla Pasta- 290 (13grams)
98% Fat Free Cream of Chix Soup- 175 (5grams)

Protein Shake in OJ- 220 (24grams)

2 Fish Tacos- 350 (32 grams)
Plaintain chips- 130

TOTAL CALORIES TODAY- 1985 (157grams)

Wow, that was a bad day….about 300 more calories than I would have liked to have. It was a much higher calorie lunch than I’ve been having. It tasted good though! Today was the highest calorie day I’ve had in a VERY long time, tomorrow is a new day though. I’ll try to keep my calories lower tomorrow and Saturday so that my net calorie deficit is still enough to lose 2-3lbs this week. My goodness this is difficult!

Thursday, Jan 28, 2010 Workout

Not that I'm particularly thrilled to wake up at 4:45am any morning, but this morning was even harder than usual! I could hear the wind blowing outside my window and when I looked out the snow gusts were huge! Dark & Cold....not a good motivator to wake up, get dressed and head outside. BUT, I did it. and, AS ALWAYS, I'm glad I did.

Our workout was heavy on cardio today, which is my least favorite thing....I'd rather do strength training any day. Someone pointed out that I may have exercise induced asthma because whenever we run I cough a lot and then I have a rattling cough until about lunch time. I never thought it would be asthma because it's not like I'm gasping for breath but, I do still feel like I should be much better at cardio than I am.
Rob has use check our "recovery time" every so often and mine is really great...which means that, cardiovascularly, I'm in good shape.....and it's not like my legs get tired.....but I'm slowed up from this stupic coughing thing soooooooooo, long story short, I suppose I should probably call my doctor because if it is some form of exercise induced asthma and there's something I can take to make it go away, I bet my fitness training would improve greatly--- which would make me very happy!

Anyhow, yes, it was at least 1/2 cardio today but it was still Thursday which means it was still a TRX day (http://www.fitnessanywhere.com/).
We would work one part of the body (list of all the parts we worked below), and, in between each body part, we would do laps around the gym. Mostly running and then adding in skipping, shuffling and galloping (all of which spike your heart rate).
  • legs
  • chest
  • arms
  • shoulders
  • back
  • core
I really love boot camp and I feel like I've learend a lot from it!

I'll post food later.

PS. this thing doesn't have a spell check and I'm usually typing my blog super quickly since it's not so much about "writing" as it is about "logging"........anyway, if anyone's reading this and you see spelling mistakes, it's just cause I don't proof it at all and I'm not too concerned to start :).

Jan 27, 2010

Wednesday, Jan 27, 2010 Food

Here’s what I ate today:

1/2tbls peanut butter- 50 (2grams)
Whole wheat bread- 45 (2grams)
½ banana- 45 (2grams)

Protein Powershot- 110 (26grams)

Protein Shake- 110 (24grams)
String Cheese- 100 (12 grams)

3oz of 90/10 sirloin- 175 (23grams)
1/4 cup Black beans- 50 (4grams)
Salsa- 60
Lettuce, tomato, corn
Cut mixed veggies with hummus- 40

Greek Yogurt w/ less than 1 tbls of peanut butter- 235 (18grams)

I figured out a way to make one of my favs, tuna casserole, really low cal and high protein
The following figures are for one serving.
Tuna- 100 (22grams)
Barilla Pasta- 290 (13grams)
98% Fat Free Cream of Chix Soup- 175 (5grams)

TOTAL CALORIES TODAY- 1585 (153grams of protein)

Wednesday, Jan 27, 2010 Workout

Boot camp was great today because Jettie joined me! It's always so much easier to wake up when you know you have to pick someone up and when that someone is your friend who you laugh a lot with and who encourages you a lot, it's even better!
Today we did a circut. After we warmed up we:
  •  Military Presses (x15).... I used 8lb weights for all of it
  • Push ups (x15)
  • Crunches (x15)
  • Reverse Crunches (x15)
  • WITY's (a shoulder exercies)
  • Curls (x15)
  • Running (3 times the length of the court)
  • Rows with resistance bands
  • Jump Rope
  • Chest Presses with 35lbs in ammo cans
  • Stair Steps (20 total)
  • Lunges
  • Reverse Lunges
  • Undulations (ropes)
  • Ladder steps (front, in and out, sideways)
We did that rotation three times and then Rob led us through some sports exercises...which may be too hard to explain over blogging but basically it keeps you moving and jumping and keeping your heart rate up.

We ended with simple stretches and then we were done.

It was a good workout with lots of variation and lots of women were there today so the energy felt great.

I'll post my food laster.

Jan 26, 2010

Tuesday, Jan 26, 2010 Food

Today I started watching protein as well (Trying to get to 180grams so, as you can see, I have a ways to go....unfortunately that just means I'll need to cut my beloved carbs)
Anyway, the protein is in grams after the calories.

Here’s what I ate today:

1tbls peanut butter- 100 (4grams)
Whole wheat bread- 95 (4grams)

Protein Powershot- 110 (26grams)

1 cup Multigrain Cheerios- 110 (4grams)
½ cup skim milk- 30 (4 grams)
String Cheese- 100 (8 grams)

Greek Yogurt (high in protein) w/ less than 1 tbls of peanut butter- 235 (18grams)

Aaron and I had a lunch meeting at Red Rob. The Red Robin Kids burger is a good choice, and filling!
Kids Burger (no cheese or mayo)- 275 (17grams)
I had 3 fries too, I don’t know how many calories 3 fries is but I want to say that I wanted to eat about 30!!!!!!!

Orange- 50
Protein Shake- 130(24grams)

3oz of 90/10 sirloin- 175 (23grams)
1/4 cup Black beans- 50 (4grams)
Lettuce, tomato, corn
Tortilla- 160
½ pumpkin spice cake- 75

TOTAL CALORIES TODAY- 1685 (136grams of protein)

Weight Loss Music???

I CANNOT believe that I forgot to put this in my workout post this morning....it's way too funny not to share.

So this morning at boot camp Rob (my trainer) had promised one of the ladies that he'd play the CD that she likes to workout to. It was called "SKINNY SONGS"......nope, not kidding. http://www.skinnysongs.com/

If you want a great laugh go to that link and check out the songs. It's like a serious cd with serious songs but the lyrics are downright hysterial. They're songs about losing weight and skinny jeans and butt size and motivation, etc.

Sooo, yep, we did listen to ALL 10 songs this morning at boot camp and we laughed our way through the entire thing... guess a little extra laughing probably helped us burn more calories and I did get joy from it so I won't complain :).

Tuesday, Jan 26, 2010 Workout

What we did at boot camp today:

Today was Tuesday which means it was a TRX day (http://www.fitnessanywhere.com/)
Many days that we do TRX we switch between TRX (which is strength training) and cardio, alternating back and forth. Today however, Rob warmed us up with some cardio,
Running backward
Butt Kicks (that's just when you kick your butt with your heals while you run)
But then we stayed on TRX the rest of the class....my arms were BURNING. The thing with TRX is that even if you're working your legs, the rest of your body is engaged AND you're holding on with your arms so you're feeling it everywhere.
We worked our chest, back, legs, shoulders, arms and core. We did two sets of every exercise which is challenging and great.

One thing I noticed working out today is that the Yoga is really making a difference in my physical strength and flexibility. I felt like I could stretch farther today at bootcamp and that my arms and chest were much stronger than they were prior to starting Yoga. So, I guess I'm now someone who does Yoga... :)

BIG ANNOUCEMENT: Tomorrow, Wednesday, Jan. 27th is a FREE TRIAL DAY at boot camp. If you or anyone you know would like to try it out for free Rob makes this day easier for new comers so everyone can do it. It's fun working out with friends and with the other women at boot camp so I'd love to have you! Contact me if you're interested :) (there's a free class amonth so I'll try to remember to always post when those are coming up....sorry for the late notice on this one)

That's it. I'll post food later...

Jan 25, 2010

Monday, Jan 25, 2010 Food

Here’s what I ate today:

Pumpkin breakfast bread/cakes- 400 (not the best choice ever but at least it was high in fiber, and tasted good :))

Greek Yogurt (high in protein) w/ less than 1 tbls of peanut butter- 235

Today was “Thai Food Monday” with the Kids Staff
Peanut Curry with Chicken & Veggies- 450
Cup of Thai soup- 100

Apple- 50
Protein Shake- 130

Tonight was dinner with part of my Zeeland Family, the Zwyghuizens. We do family dinner on Monday evenings and Mamma Mel did the nicest thing EVER….she emailed me the recipe and nutrition facts for the meal beforehand so that I could plan for my day. I’m so lucky to have people like that in my life!!!
Southwest Chicken Wrap things- 350 (I actually didn’t use the tortilla but I did have two tablespoons full of mexican rice so it probably wasn’t quite this much, but I’ll keep it here anyway)


Jan 24, 2010

Sunday, Jan 24, 2010 Food

Here’s what I did to workout this morning:

It’s Sunday, so I did nothing  :)

Here’s what I ate today:

Multigrain Cheerios & ½ cup skim milk- 190

String Cheese- 100
Mixed Fruit- 50

We got Qdoba for Child Dedication Lunches. Props to Qdoba for making it so easy to find out their nutrition data.
Naked Chicken Burrito (no cheese or sour cream)- 600

Apple- 50
Spice Cake- 150

Tonight I was blessed to have dinner with 14 others. We call this “Frinner”…friend+dinner. This is a great group of Kids Kove friends in the GR area and we always have a blast when we’re together. Unfortunately, the menu wasn’t super healthy so I had to watch my portion control (more than I would have liked!). I soooo wanted some of the bread people were eating and I would have LOVED 1-2 more glasses of wine but I had to control myself….stupid.
Red Wine- 90
Salad- 75 for the dressing
Spaghetti (I brought my own pasta so that I had the Barilla Plus)- I’m guessing on these calories but I ate a small portion and believe it was close to 350


Jan 23, 2010

Saturday, Jan 23, 2010 Workout & Food

Here’s what I did to workout this morning:

I didn’t work out until the evening today….that may be a first. What I realized is that it’s waaaaaaaaaay harder to find motivation in the evening (I’d rather sit on my couch in my sweats watching TV).

Anyway, today I did a new Yoga workout. It was an 50minutes long. It started off slow with long stretches, etc. so I was a bit bored and thinking I wasn’t going to get a workout. I was wrong :). The moves got harder and, once again, I ended my yoga workout really admiring anyone who does this on a regular basis :).
I have to share this though because it's one thing I don't understand about Yoga. Yoga is supposed to be relaxing and centering, right??? Well how am I supposed to be relaxed when I can't get through without giggling? Honestly, we were about 40 minutes into the workout and I was so proud that I was being so calm and serious....and then the instructor says "this thread the needle is a delicious way to open your hips"...that's just hysterical, so, of course, I HAD to laugh. Oh well, I guess having joy during a long workout can never really be a bad thing.

Here’s what I ate today:

Fiber 1 Pancakes & light syrup- 290

Today I got to have lunch with my good friend Monica so we went out downtown Holland and I stuck to the tried and true burger!
1/3lb of beef- 300 (no cheese or mayo, obviously, just veggies)
Bun- 100
6 New Roasted Potatoes- 280

1/3 Chicken Breast with Lemon Artichoke Pesto topping- 125
50grams Barilla Plus Pasta (the kind with 17grams of protein)- 180
Dessert: Spice Cake (made with pumpkin)- 150

Postworkout Snack: (eating it as I type actually :))
Orange- 50


Jan 22, 2010

random thought

I went grocery shopping today and it’s INSANE how different my cart looks… and how different I feel about people looking at it. Ok, I know that sounds crazy, but apparently I was trying to hide things in my cart before. Like I think I’d even put the healthier foods on top of the bad stuff in case I ran into anyone I knew. It sort of feels proud to have a cart full of good choices.

Jan 22, 2010 Workout & Food

Here’s what I did to workout this morning:

Today I did 40 minutes on the treadmill. Kristen and I were going to go to Cascade Yoga but her week got all screwed up so we decided to reschedule that for the future.

Today I went shopping and, my goodness, I spent like $110 and that’s really only for one week (I mean, some things will last for a long time…like pastas and condiments and canned goods). I need to figure out how to eat healthy in a way that I can afford. Anyone have any suggestions?

Here’s what I ate today:
Fiber 1 Pancakes & light syrup- 290

Mixed veggie salad- 50
Homemade chili with lots of veggies- 300
Whole wheat bread- 95

Pretzels- 110

Chicken Breast with Lemon Artichoke Pesto topping- 310
Baked Potato with non fat sour cream- 225
Dessert: Spice Cake (made with pumpkin)- 150


Jan 21, 2010

Jan 21, 2010 Food

Here’s what I ate today:

Peanut butter on whole wheat bread- 190
(I’m trying to figure out if this is what’s making me nauseous when I’m working out…. I used to only eat a banana. The problem was, I didn’t get enough energy from the banana so I was burning out quickly…that doesn’t happen when I eat the protein/carb mix of the peanut butter sandwich)

1 ½ cups of Multigrain Cheerios and ½ cup skim milk- 200

Orange- 50

Mixed veggie salad- 50
Homemade chili with lots of veggies- 300
Whole wheat bread- 95

String Cheese- 100

I got to enjoy dinner wtih my friend Matt at the Derby Station in East GR.
1/3lb of beef- 300 (no cheese or mayo, obviously, just veggies)
Bun- 100
½ my order of fries (probably about 15)- 230


Thursday, Jan 21, 2010 Workout

Today was a TRX Suspension Training Day (www.fitnessanywhere.com) and we had a great workout. The only problem was that I was STILL feeling like throwing up and passing out. It wasn't the intensity of the workout at all, something's just "off" with my body this week. YUCK! I didn't quit though....oh, and I didn't throw up, soooo, I guess it's all ok.

These are the exercises we did today:
(note: when you're doing TRX, single arm is much harder than using both arms. It takes twice as much strength and balance)
  • Single leg lunges
  • Single leg swats
  • Laying on the mat pull a single leg to your chest (still in TRX)
  • Single arm rows
  • Single arm pushes
  • Single arm squat, lean back, reach up
  • Single arm bicep curls from the front
  • Single arm bicep curls from the side
  • Single arm tricep curls
  • Crunches pushing on the TRX
  • Etc. I think there were a couple more but it's always hard to remember afterward.
Then, between these things we shuffled the length of the court 8 times (zig zags between cones), did 1 length sprints, running backward and skipping. Let me tell you, if you're ever any place where you want a workout but you don't have equipment, just skip, raising the opposite arm high to the sky like you're picking apples off a tree. Skipping works your legs (esp if you skip high) and the jumping gets your heart rate pumping hard!)
One of the between times we jumped rope. (not one of my favorite things but a great way to get your heart rate up quickly).
We also did donkey pulls....when a partner puts the resistant band around your waist like you're a donkey and while they hold with tigh restistance you run the length of the court. Each person did this for 1min (great for the thighs).

And, stretch.......... one of my favorite parts :).
Tomorrow is Yoga at Cascade Yoga....could be interesting. As for next week, if you're reading this, please join me in praying that my head and stomache will cooperate so that I can feel strong while I'm working out.
Food will be posted later this evening.......

Jan 20, 2010

Wednesday, Jan 20, Food

Here’s what I did to workout this morning:

I did nothing. I was not feeling well at all and didn’t feel it was best to go in. Remember that feeling of throwing up that I mentioned having yesterday? Well the same feeling kept me up all night. I think that I’ve connected the feeling with anxiety so I met with my counselor today and I’m feeling like it’s under control. I’ll be back at it tomorrow though.

Here’s what I ate today:

1 ½ cups of Multigrain Cheerios and ½ cup skim milk- 200

Orange- 50

Baked Potato w/ sour cream- 200
1/3lb of beef- 300
1 bun- 100

Homemade chili with lots of veggies- 300
Whole wheat bread- 95

TOTAL CALORIES TODAY- 1245 (not enough, at all……goodness, I need to find a better balance from day to day!)

Jan 19, 2010

Tuesday, Jan 19th, 2010 Food

Here’s what I ate today:


Peanut butter on whole wheat bread- 195


1 ½ cups of Multigrain Cheerios and ½ cup skim milk- 200


I forgot my snack today and was starving by 10:30 (waking up at 4:45am and having a hard workout leads means your hungry way before lunch comes!) But, Missy saved the day!

Apple- 50 (thanks Missy!)


Thai Soup- 100

Peanut Curry with Chicken & Veggies- 400


Pretzels- 110

Well, I had fun tonight but it was definitely a binge type night. I went to BW3’s with a couple friends, turns out, BW3 doesn’t put their nutrition facts on the website so I couldn’t prepare. It was fun though 

8 chicken wings- 560

2 ½ Coors Light- 300


Tuesday, Jan 19th, 2010 Workout

To throw up or not to throw up, THAT was the question. It wasn't the workout that made me want to throw up, I woke up nauseous and it stuck with me throughout the work out. I was doing ok holding it all down but then I had to do some sprints and I thought I’d lose it, and I got super dizzy. Thankfully I was able to keep everything under control but man, working out when your stomach is upset is just horrible!

I don’t write that to be gross, just to point out that even though I’m in a routine of working out most days, it’s still difficult sometimes and it really does take will power out the wazoo!

Here’s what we did at boot camp this morning:

Today was a TRX Suspension Training Day (www.fitnessanywhere.com) but Rob changed it up a bit. He wrote down 7 exercises and we had to go through them at our own pace in whatever order we wanted to go through them. He was able to push each of us individually that way. I think there were 7 of us working out this morning. These were the exercises we had to do:

• Rows- 100

• Pushes (reg and wide)- 100

• Reverse lunges- 50

• Crunches (rev and side in straps)- 50 (these are crazy hard so I did 25 of my out of the straps)

• Curls & Triceps- 100

• Y’s & T’s (shoulder exercises)- 50

• Running the length of the gym (sprint to one end, jog back)- 50 lengths (this is definitely the part that I hate the most!!!!)

I was the only one who was able to complete all of the exercises but I want to say that I was completely motivated by the other women. They don’t even know it but they push me so hard to be faster and stronger. It’s way better than working out on my own! I’m lucky to have such great women to workout with.

Jan 18, 2010

Monday, Jan 18th, 2010 workout & food

Today MH is closed in honor of MLK day. Oooooh, having Monday off, so exciting J….although I do know that these “unstructured days” like the weekend, are much more difficult for me to behave in food wise! I’m so glad I’m not on a “diet” but just trying to watch what I put in my mouth…less room for failure that way and it allows me to tackle these real life days in a realistic way.

Here’s what I did to workout this morning:

Today was circuit training so I would run or jump rope and I alternated that between strength training.

Each strength training segment covered one of the following:

• Legs (believe it or not, my thighs are still a little sore from the weekend yoga!)

• Arms & Shoulders

• Core (abs)

• Chest (pushes)

• Back (pulls)

Because I’m not a huge fan of straight up cardio, I often find that mixing it up with strength training is really helpful….I need to break it up. I do need to continue to work on my cardio though, I feel like I should be able to run longer than I do.

As I look at the food that I ate today (below) I realize I’m still eating way too many carbs and not enough proteins. I think I had about 50 grams of protein but I’d like to increase that 2-3Xs that amount. I have to get more creative with how I get my protein.

Here’s what I ate today:
Today I met Jettie for breakfast. Kind of nice being able to do that without worrying about getting to work.
2 eggs- 180
1 cup redskin potatoes- 160
1 ½ pieces whole wheat toast (I asked for it try and put a tad of butter on myself)- 120

Fiber 1 Pancakes- 190
Light Syrup- 100
Popcorn- 100
(when you’re craving something crunchy and salty, popcorn is a great snack because it’s super low calories and full of fiber)
Orange- 50

This dinner was fun for me. I was craving “comfort foods” so I made chicken nuggets and fries….the healthy way!
Chicken nuggets (I just cut a chicken breast into chunks & seasoned them with paprika)- 280
Fries (I just slide potatoes, drizzled them with olive oil and salt and baked them till crispy)- 200
Large banana- 100


Jan 17, 2010

Sunday, Jan 17, 2010

Today's Sunday, which means, no workout....well, unless you count the running I do working at church on Sunday morning from about 8:30-12:30! Yeah, I'm sure that counts for something since I actually broke a sweat today....there were a million kids!!

Anyhow, I still wanted to record what I ate.

What I ate today:

Peanut Butter & Jelly- 400

Apple- 50
String Cheese- 100

1/4 cup ground beef in taco seasoning- 75
1  6inch tortilla- 95
Lettuce, tomato
Pickles, yep, pickles
10 tortilla chips & salsa- 140

Fiber 1 Bar (almond & Cranberry)- 150

Dinner: 1010
Grilled Cheese w/ tomato (whole grain bread & low fat cheese)- 280
15 Baked Chips- 120
Mixed salad- 70


Jan 16, 2010

Saturday, Jan 16th, 2010 Workout & Food

Here’s what I did to work out today:
 (note: Saturdays are generally optional for me to workout, but I felt motivated today so I gave it a go. That makes 6 out of 7 days for me this week which is good)
  • 20 mins on the treadmill when I woke up and then
  • 25 mins of Yoga later in the afternoon (this was the same yoga I did yesterday, I was able to laugh a little less.... still feel like it's a good workout though!)
Now, for food....

  Yesterday I was done eating dinner by 6:15 and then I stayed up really late and ended up going to bed starving. NOT a good feeling. I should have eaten something around 9pm again but I hate eating late. I need to figure that out though. I guess it really only effects me on Thurs & Fri (my weekend) because I go to bed so early Sat-Wed. Anyway, that’s just something that was a struggle last night.

Here’s what I ate today:

Fiber 1 Pancakes- 190

¼ cup light maple syrup- 100

Kristen and I were out and about so we had Jimmy Johns.

I get the #4 without cheese (turkey, alfalfa sprouts, tomato, lettuce) and chips and I know it’s 600 calories.

(I’ve found it’s great to know the calories before I go out to eat so that I don’t get stuck!)

1 orange- 50
1 pumpkin lemon cake- 150

I got to enjoy a delicious dinner at the Mutch’s tonight. Because I didn’t cook, I need to estimate the calories.

I had about 7 oz of Delmonico steak- 320
1 slice total of hearty whole grain bread- 100
Mixed veggies sautéed in fresh herbs
Spinach salad with a tiny bit of goat cheese and light dressing- 50
Dessert: 1 pumpkin lemon cake- 150


We watched the movie Food Inc. tonight. Very interesting. It’s late and I need to get to bed but, if I have time tomorrow I may share my thoughts about it. Either way, I definitely recommend that everyone watch it!

Jan 15, 2010

Friday, Jan 15, 2010 Food

Here’s what I ate today:

Note: I’m not super proud of this day. The calories were low (which is great, and I’m not trying to down play that since it’s my ultimate goal right now) but the nutritional value wasn’t super great either. Weekends are harder than weekdays for me.


Fiber 1 Pancakes- 190

¼ cup light maple syrup- 100


DiGiorno’s Low Calorie Frozen Pizza- 400

(ok, these were on sale and I thought “hey, that’d be good when I’m craving pizza!” But, I was sorely disappointed. I wish I would have spent my 400 calories on something fresher and more fulfilling)

1 orange- 50

15 baked chips- 120


7oz Chicken- 280

1 ½ cup Barilla Plus Pasta (has 17grams of protein per serving!)- 320

¼ cup Parmesan cheese & olive oil mixture- 100

Dessert: 1 lemon & pumpkin cupcake (see recipe in previous post)- 150


Friday, Jan 15, 2010 Workout

Hahahahahaha...yoga.....even better, yoga+Annie..... 

Ok, so today is Friday which means I don't have boot camp it the morning and I don't have to work. The past two weeks I've just been using the treadmill on Fridays (thank you Gordons for lending me your treadmill!).  Today I started with 20minutes on the treadmill but then decided to do something totally different for the second half of my workout.

Yesterday, I was at a staff holiday luncheon and my table was talking about different workouts. A couple people at the table convinced me to try yoga. My roommate has been doing yoga at Cascade Yoga so she and I decided that on Fridays, we'd do a class together at 10:30am. But, today, she wasn't able to go so we need to start next week. Anyhow, I remembered that On Demand through Comcast has an Exercise TV category with lots of free workout videos so I went there in search of a yoga session. (there were lots to choose from- I recommend it!)

I started with one Yoga workout that I literally couldn't even do for 5 minutes. The instructor moved from pose to pose way too quickly for a beginner like myself to follow along so, after sliding all over my hardwood floors and letting loose a few words I'm not proud of, I decided to find a different Yoga workout to follow.

I completed my first ever 30minute Yoga workout and, let me just say, props to all of you who do Yoga regularly!!! It always LOOKS easy, but my heart rate did accelerate and my thighs were shaking at one point. This was a good workout and I enjoyed that it was different from what I'm used to. I definitely need practice though and I'm glad that I tried this prior to joining Kristen at Cascade Yoga next week.

The reason I started this post with me laughing is because Kristen came home 1/2 way through my Yoga session and it made me start to giggle. I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be giggling during Yoga, but I did! Then, at one point, when I was changing poses, I kicked a table in our living room and that made me laugh too. Soooo, it might not have been the peaceful "Namaste" yoga that people are used to but once I get past the newness, I'm sure I can be more serious....maybe :).

So, that's my workout for today. If you haven't tried Yoga before, give it a try! I'll post my food at the end of the day.....

What I'm now sure of: weight Loss is Simple Math, no fancy diet required!

Do You Know Your Active Metabolic Rate?

The number of calories you burn in a day is known as your active metabolic rate (AMR). Rates vary from person to person, so it is cruical that you take the time to figure yours out — if you don't, you run the risk of consuming too many calories or even consuming too few. Once you know what your AMR is then you can figure out how many calories you can eat a day to still lose weight.
A part of determining how many calories you burn in a day, you need to know is your physical activity level. Determine which one of these descriptions best fits your day-to-day routine, then give yourself the appropriate score.
a. Sedentary Physical Activity Level

Do you have a desk job or do some other kind of work that keeps you in your chair for most of the day? If the answer is yes, your score is 1.1.

b. Light Physical Activity Level

Are you on your feet and walking around for at least half the day? Stay-at-home moms, salespeople, and doctors fall into this category. If this is you, your score is 1.2.

c. Moderate Physical Activity Level

If you're on the move pretty much all day, with a few limited periods of being sedentary, this is the level for you. People in this category include gardeners, carpenters, and mail carriers. If you're in this category, your score is 1.3.

d. High Physical Activity Level

Does your job require being constantly on the move, and does it entail significant amounts of manual labor? Construction workers, farm workers, and movers are among those who land in this category. If you're in this group, your score is 1.4.

Another element you need to calculate your AMR is the number of calories you burn from exercise on an average day. The number of calories you burn during any exercise session depends on a few things, primarily your body weight.  Use this chart http://www.jillianmichaels.com/lose-weight/expenditurechart.aspx to help you determine the number of calories you burn from exercise on an average day according to your weight, the type of exercise you do, and its duration. You can also use a heart rate monitor to get an accurate number. Write the number down.

Now comes the math. If you don't know your BMR, it's influenced by a number of factors, including age, weight, height, gender, environmental temperature, and diet and exercise habits. Because of these varying factors, it's hard to pin down your BMR to the precise calorie, but we can get pretty close. Here are some formulas for figuring out your BMR. Get out your calculator and plug your numbers into whichever formula applies to you.

MALE: 66 + (6.3 × body weight in pounds) + (12.9 × height in inches) − (6.8 × age in years)
FEMALE: 655 + (4.3 × weight in pounds) + (4.7 × height in inches) − (4.7 × age in years)

Now you have all three numbers: your BMR, daily activity score, and exercise expenditure. Simply multiply your BMR by your daily activity score, and then add your exercise expenditure. Whatever you get from this final calculation is your magic number, your AMR.

Remember, 3500 make up a lb. So, if you have a deficit of 500 calories a day for 7 days, you'd lose 1 lb in a week.
You can increase your deficit to lose weight faster but no woman should go below 1200 calories/day or your metabolism will slow and you definitely don't want that! (not to mention I'd be starving all day long if I only ate 1200 calories a day!)

(note: lots of this information is taken from Jillian Michaels newsletter but you can search AMR and get the same formula from lots of place)

Jan 14, 2010

Jan 14, 2010 Food

Here’s what I ate today:


2 pieces of whole grain bread (I like Aunt Millies 45cal bread) & 1tbls peanut butter- 190


1 ½ cups Multi Grain Cheerios & ½ cup Skim Milk- 200


String Cheese- 100

Lunch: We had a holiday celebration lunch at Mangiamo and had only a few things to choose from.

House Salad with a lemon vinaigrette dressing. I picked around the croutons and there was no cheese so this was ok- 50

6oz chicken breast (pan seared)- 250

2 stalks of asparagus

½ cup risotto (I ate less than ½ of what was on my plate but guestimated the amount)- 160

14 baked chips (hey, sometimes a girl needs chips!)- 120

1 cup Angel Hair flavored with Lemon & Garlic- 220

Recipe: http://www.bigoven.com/152985-Angel-Hair-with-Lemon-Garlic-Sauce-recipe.html *(I didn’t use cheese and I added veggies)

3oz chicken breast- 125
1 orange- 50

1 lemon & pumpkin cupcake (see recipe in yesterdays post)


Thursday, Jan 14th Workout, I'll post food later

It was soooo hard for me to get out of bed when the alarm went off at 4:45am this morning. Some mornings it’s just like that. I hit my snooze and even came up with an excuse for why I should just sleep in and skip working out but thank God I was able to talk myself out of it, drag myself out from under the covers and get my butt in gear.

Yesterday I mentioned that we didn’t work our core much at all….. but, BOY, did we make up for it today!!!! This workout was a bit different because there wasn’t much cardio at all. We spent the entire time doing mostly strength stuff. It was strange for me to come home without a sweat soaked shirt but I’m sure I’ll feel it in my abs tomorrow.

The coolest part of this morning was that I weighed myself and found out that I’ve lost 6 more lbs since the last time I weighed myself. That’s 14lbs since I started watching what I’m eating!! I was really excited about this and it gives me a ton more motivation to keep going. Some people don’t weigh themselves and I used to be one of those people . What I’ve realized though, is that weighing myself helps me to stay accountable. It helps me to see that #1, I haven’t gained weight and if I have gained weight I’m doing something wrong and #2, that I’m hopefully losing weight and that I should keep up what I’m doing. I think that everyone needs to find their own motivations but, for me, weighing myself once every 1-2 weeks has helped out.

Here’s what we did in our 50minutes at boot camp this morning:

Today was a TRX day. For those of you who don’t know what TRX is you can check it out at www.fitnessanywhere.com . I have to say these days are my favorite. TRX gives a great full body workout and can get your heart rate up to 140.

Today, our TRX Exercises Included:

• Wide leg squats

• Flys

• 3 different kinds of rows to work out our backs

• 2 different kinds of pushes to work out our chests

• 1 arm Bicep curls (much harder than two)

• Oblique twist thingys (yes, technical name)

Then, when we weren’t doing TRX we did the following with free weights:

• Push-ups

• Military presses

• Flys

• Rows

• Over head lifts

And, of course, lots of core work including:

• Front Plank

• Crunches

• Crunches holding 10lbs above our chest

• Side crunches lifting hand with weight to opposite knee

• Crunches with legs straight in the air, reaching for our feet

• Reverse Crunches

• Crunches where we made a circle with our head/core

• Crunches where we made a circle with our legs

• Crunches laying on our side and holding weights on our ribs

• I’m sure there were 1-2 more, but I’m forgetting what they were…..

I'll be posting my food at the end of the day!

Jan 13, 2010

Wednesday, Jan 13th

As you’ll be able to see with this first post, not all of the exercises will be called by their formal names because I don’t know all of their formal names. If you’re interested to learn more about any of them, just ask.

Yesterday’s workout was very difficult for me. I can handle the strength stuff but we did a lot of stair steps and jumping on boxes and jump rope….all cardio things that challenge me a ton! But, even though it was difficult and I wondered if I was going to make it through, I did and it felt great. Later that morning I posted this on Facebook, “sometimes when I'm doing with a hard work out like we had this morning it's cool how the sweat on my skin and my heart pounding through my chest and the blood pumping through my veins can make me feel so much closer to God....might sound strange, but it's so true”.

Today’s workout was much more manageable for me. I knew we were going to focus on upper body because it’s Wednesday. I only own 5lb weights right now because I lost one of my 8lb weights but yesterday’s workout was so hard that I figured 5lbs would be just fine. The girl next to me was trying 10lb weights and realized she could barely do 1 rep so I switched with her. Let’s just say it’s been awhile since I did the following exercises with 10lbs in each hand and it was a challenge, but a challenge within reach and it felt great. There were two other women, Wendy and Faith who were using 10lbs directly across from me which was really encouraging and helpful as I pushed through. It’s so great to workout with other women!


• 1 leg hops, squats & dead lifts. The balance it takes to do squats, etc. on one leg is incredible. It really works your entire core!

• Pushups (I’m still doing them from my knees) and pushups+1 arm row combination

• 10lbs in each hand to do military presses, chest pushes, chest flys, etc.

• 10lbs for bicep curls, and lots of hammer curls (alternating 1 arm at a time with both arms at a time)

• 20lbs for triceps & tricep dips on the bench

• Jump rope exercises- high knees, butt kicks, jumping jacks, sideways the length of the court

• Stretching….even better, partner stretching!

We didn’t do any of our normal core workout and I can tell that I missed that so I did regular crunches, reverse crunches and side crunches when I got home.



2 pieces of whole grain bread (I like Aunt Millies 45cal bread) & 1tbls peanut butter- 190


1 ½ cups Multi Grain Cheerios & ½ cup Skim Milk- 200


Chicken Piccata with Pasta & Mushrooms- 400 (note, I ate ½ of this recipe for dinner last night and ½ for lunch today. Here’s the recipe-  Link: http://www.lifelinescreening.com/health-updates/healthy-you/healthy-cooking/chicken-piccata.aspx?SourceCd=WGGL999)

1 orange- 50

1 red hot gummy bear Laura gave me :)

Snack: Ok, normally I eat a 1-2 snacks a day (about 10am and 3pm), and that’s very important, but I got too busy today


7oz chicken breast- 280

¾ cup instant mashed potatoes- 80

Mixed veggies (corn, peppers & mushrooms…random but what I had around)- 100

Lemon & pumpkin cupcake (just mix lemon cake mix with a can of pumpkin for 18 low calorie treats)- 150


Jan 12, 2010

What do I do to workout? What do I eat?

I figure it'd be helpful to first describe what my current routine looks like.

In October of 2008 I decided that the way I was treating my body was not honoring to God. I decided that I wanted to start loving myself in a way that allows me to be the person God intended me to be. With that in mind, I started working out with Rob Willsea at Grand Rapids Adventure Boot Camp (http://www.grandrapidsbootcamp.com/). When I started, I couldn't even run 1/2 mile. I was so out of shape it was embarrassing but, I stuck with it and even 4 weeks into the program I had improved immensely! For instance, the first fitness test we had I could literally only do 4 tricep dips before burning out. At the next fitness test I was able to do close to 50 tricep dips.

Prior to boot camp I had always made excuses. I was never the athletic one in the family, ha, AT ALL, and at some point in my life I simply decided that I wouldn't be that person who runs or lifts weights, etc. Boot camp allowed me to see that anyone is able to change their fitness level and can accomplish physical things they never thought they could. Now, I'd really say that I'm somewhat addicted to working out. I feel like crap when I don't do it and I feel proud and healthy on the days that I do go.

To get an inside view into what one session of boot camp may include, watch this news clip that was on Fox 17  Boot Camp Footage .  It will be my goal to blog the general exercises I do at boot camp each day and, on the days I don't have boot camp, any exercise I do on those days as well.

These are the "before" and "now" pictures I currently have. Hopefully I'll be able to put pictures up as I continue to see my body change.


Food has been much more of a challenge for me than working out. I don't know why, I just couldn't commit to changing what I was eating. I didn't want to pay attention to it and it seemed like so much. I know, this is crazy, I workout hard for an hour in the morning and then I eat an unhealthy lunch. I knew it didn't make sense, but I figured working out was going to be enough. Boy, was I wrong.
Once I decided to make a change (just in November of 2009), I decided to do it the good old fashion way....calorie counting. Basic science tells me I need to figure out how many calories my body burns in a day and then subtract enough calories to lose weight.
Writing down EVERYTHING I eat holds me accountable. It's easy to count calories because they're clearly listed on packages and it's simple math, but I know that I have more work to do in the food area. I know that I need to also pay attention to how many carbs, proteins, sugars, sodium, etc. I'm consuming if I want to be as healthy as possible. That being said, right now, I'm only going to commit to continue counting calories. I know me, I will do things 150% once I decide to do it, but until I make that decision, I know I won't :).

Ok, that's the basics of my life, trying to make sure that my 30's are the healthiest years of my life. Feel free to ask questions and even to give suggestions but, above all, give grace, I'm learning as I'm going!

Happily getting healthy,